In my opinion, forgiveness is one of the most important steps to healing that I have experienced in my life. In the past, I have held onto situations where I felt wronged. When members of my family died I was mad at God. I felt that their deaths had been unfair and cruel.
My mom’s death in particular was painful. We had had a challenging relationship and I felt that we lost our chance to resolve the issues between us. But I was wrong. The fact that she was dead didn’t seem to have any effect, because the more I forgave her and myself the better I felt. Interesting!
When we don’t forgive, we hold onto the pain, anger, and angst of the situation. This keeps us stuck in the past. We have unresolved issues when relationships end or a loved one dies. We struggle with thoughts of guilt, anger, and resentment. We say, “I should have been there more,” or “I’ll never forgive myself for not saying I loved him.” We feel like we deserve to suffer for what we have or haven't done.
I’m not suggesting it’s ok for someone to hurt you. I'm saying that when you can’t forgive yourself (or the other person) you remain stuck in the pain. People hurt others because they are in pain — plain and simple. The result is that we can't let go and move forward with our lives.
We are energetic beings and, in my work, I teach people about energy and how it affects us. When someone feels emotions such as guilt, anger, and resentment their vibration drops and it effects their health and life. If they aren’t able to shift the emotions they stay stuck and are held in a self-made prison.
The process of forgiveness is so important because it creates the space within needed to shift. It opens the door to healing the situation. We are able to see the situation from a higher perspective and this brings understanding and compassion. When you are able to expand your view of the situation, you can see why it happened and your part in it.
In 2009 I was in Hawaii and was told about a Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer called the Ho’oponopono. It’s four simple sentences.
Ho'oponopono Prayer
I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.
This is what it means:
I’m sorry – I acknowledge this situation and am sorry for holding onto it and allowing it to hurt me.
Forgive me – I release this from you and me.
I love you – Allows you to release the situation. Love transmutes everything.
Thank you – I am so grateful for the lessons that I have learnt from this situation.
This is a beautiful practice that I encourage people to do whenever they are feeling angry, resentful, guilty, or sad. I encourage you to say it over and over again, out loud or in your head. It diffuses the situation and you will begin to notice that you aren’t triggered anymore.
“Forgiveness Is The Key“
I know that moving through these thoughts and emotions can be scary. Believe me, I’ve been there, and I get it. Through my own personal journey and helping countless other people, I have developed my signature Platform for Wellbeing, a proven holistic path for moving through transitions with ease and reaching a balanced and happy life gracefully. If you need support during this process from someone who’s been there and come out the other side, reach out to me for a (no obligation) Discovery Session. I am here to support you.
For other inquiries, please feel free to connect with me here.