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Writer: Robyn WymanRobyn Wyman

My inner calling came years ago when my world took a sharp 180. My marriage and business ended, and I had also sold my home. What am I to do? This question loomed over me and finally I knew what to do. I decided to put my life aka all my belongings into storage and go traveling. I felt traveling would be a great way to heal myself from all the events that had unfolded over the last few years and also as a means to personally connect to my spiritual self. I traveled to Europe and went and saw so many beautiful and life transforming places, however, today I am going to share an experience that is very important to me.

I was in a small town in England called Glastonbury which is in Somerset. It is a very intriguing city, for in ancient times it was known as Avalon – The Isles of Glass (Ynes Witrin). The folklore of this region is all about the druids, mystics, King Authur and Guinevere. It is even believed that Yeshua lived and went through initiations when he was young in Glastonbury.

The specific area is also special because it has many ley lines, which are electric/magnetic energy lines that crisscross the area, known as the heart chakra of the world. There is a hill in the area known as The Tor, it is believed that ceremonies and rituals where held there and that there are inner chambers hidden. The chambers are not open to the public. Here, at the Chalice Well Gardens, is a very sacred place where the divine feminine is honoured. Throughout history many make a pilgrimage to the Tor and at the Chalice Well. People still travel to these sacred places to connect with the divine energies.

Glastonbury isn’t your average city that tourists go to. Most go because they have a yearning and feel called. In my opinion, it a very special place, the vibration is palpable. The city is very eclectic, it’s a very new age place as everything is about personal and spiritual growth. The stores are full of crystals, dragons statues, druid clothing, yoga, sound bowls, musical instruments, books and cards. It reminded me of Harry Potter on steroids. People here are as they are and it is very freeing.

I spent a few days in the city and thoroughly enjoyed myself. One day I was walking down the street and I went into a store. Inside I was drawn to a piece of art that had been painted by an intuitive artist (Gamble) of a lion’s head painted in a multitude of colours. It is the painting at the top of the post* It was the month of August so we were already into the month of Leo. The lion was so powerful but humble and it reminded me of the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz, and how the lion’s quest was to find his courage.

I stood there staring at the painting and thought to myself that it takes courage to say, “I have had enough suffering.” It takes courage to say,” no.” It takes courage to feel the fear and do it anyway. It had taken courage for me to explore myself and see how I could become the Robyn that I came here to be.

As I stood there looking at the painting I said to myself, “I do not need another painting!” I had let go of a lot of belongings and wasn’t looking to start buying things again. However, the painting had a different idea. It kept calling me. I would walk by the store and go in and look at it again and again saying, “I don’t need you.” I decided, as always, to trust my intuition and soon realized that it was calling to me and that I needed to pay attention. Before I left Glastonbury I bought the painting.

I Iove the painting and am so glad that I bought it because it became a symbol for me of how I had been and am courageous in my life. I knew that I hadn’t really done well living in the confines of the comfort zone or as I like to call it the box. I have always preferred the road less travelled, always looking at new ideas, energy, spirituality exploring, and new ways of being and healing. When I went to see a channeller in my teens and join physic centres in my 20’s I knew that the mystical life was for me. After many in my family died I looked at healing holistically and choose to study aromatherapy. That was over 30 years ago and people thought I was Woo Woo! After learning massage I studied energy modalities then crystal and sound healing and shamanism. This is my passion, the subtle energies and how we are connected.

My favourite place for the painting has been to hang the painting on the wall by the front door. Every time I leave I look at the lion and it always reminds me to be courageous in my day. To speak my truth, say no, not give my power away, know when it’s not my business, not get caught up in other people's drama, and to feel the fear and do it anyways.

In reality it takes courage to do these things. Am I perfect? No, of course not - however, the painting is a constant reminder to me to remember to be courageous.

Be courageous in your life - whatever that means to you. For some it may be leaving that job that you have hated for years, for someone else it may be trying a new food, for another it may be having the tough conversation that you have avoided having, and for another colouring your hair purple.

Being courageous is powerful and the more you step in that direction the more you will expand and the happier you will be.

And with that enjoy.

Are you feeling timid about a change you want to make in your life? Connect with me for a Discovery Session and we can discuss ways that you can take on change as fiercely as a lion.


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The Calm Village

It is my honour to support you come into peace and balance and move to the next level of your spiritual journey.

North Vancouver, BC Canada

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I respectfully acknowledge the privilege of living and working on the traditional territory of the Tsleil-Waututh, Squamish and
Musqueam First Nations.

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