Anxiety is a complex subject and we are all different in our healing. What works for one person may not resonate with another. I have noticed in my life that I have more success moving through uncomfortable emotions and feelings by layering a variety of tools. In my previous blog post, I shared how I use Mudras to help with Anxiety. Here are a couple more tools and techniques that I use to help with Anxiety.
One tool I use is Colour. Yes, Colour! I have worked with Colour for many years so I know firsthand how well it works. Colour is a huge part of our lives and we use it everywhere, from decorating our homes to what we decide to wear each day. Each colour has a unique signature in healing: red is fiery and passionate, yellow makes us feel happy, green is healing, pink is love and blue calms us.
The Colour Blue is very calming and cooling on your emotions and physical body. So how does this work? The Colour Blue stabilizes your emotions and brings you back into a balanced state. Remember how it feels to look at the vast blue sky, or sit by water whether a stream, lake or ocean. It is very soothing on the emotions. I have a blue sapphire ring, that is the same colour as a soft blue sky and my sister’s eyes. Actually, it was her ring and I wear it all the time for two reasons. The first is because it reminds me of her and the second is that it reminds me to draw the Colour Blue through and around my body. I’ve done this for so long that it has become automatic.
Colour Blue Exercise:

This is a practice and it may take some time to notice what you are feeling. I encourage you to do this exercise daily and/or whenever you feel anxious—it only takes a few minutes. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so commit to yourself and watch what happens!
The final tool is Sound. I have always been fascinated with sound and learning new healing modalities. A number of years ago I studied Sound Healing. One of the training's I took was using Sound to move you into different brain wave states such as beta, alpha, theta and delta. Alpha and Theta brain wave states are very expansive. These are the brain wave states we exist in while meditating. I also trained with a women who focused on Sound and the body. She taught us to travel inward and explore the terrain (the body) through Sound.
Did you know that your body loves your voice? Well, it does! Your voice resonates, soothes, and calms your body, mind and emotions. In particular your body loves it when you to hum to it. Your hum resonates and flows easily throughout the body because it's more that 75% water. Your hum travels along through the fluids of the body exploring the body for blocks, patterns and beliefs that do not support you.
I had awareness’s around this because I have always hummed or sang during my day and knew for a long time that when I wasn't singing or humming I wasn't as happy. When I checked in it was because something was bothering me, I was stressed and anxious. My son is a whistler, he was always whistling and his nickname was "Sunny Boy" because he was such a happy kid. He is an adult now and is one of the happiest people I have ever known, and he still whistles all the time. Coincidence, maybe or maybe not—what if we both are soothing ourselves with the hum of our own voice?
I encourage you to explore Sound with your own voice, specifically try humming. Hum throughout your day—loudly or silently. Allow yourself to play around with your Hum and see if and how it shifts your Anxiety.
You can use one or all three of the tools that I have shared over the past few weeks. My hope is that one, or all of the tools, will help you. Give them a try and notice what happens. You are the master of yourself so take ownership in your healing.
Through my personal journey, I have found a road to deep healing using holistic modalities including Neo-shamanism, plant remedies, energetic protocols, codes and meditation. I teach others the same tools and strategies so they can establish, and maintain, healthy boundaries. I offer 1:1 sessions where together, we work through unhealed core wounds, often developed during childhood, and energetically clear them. Clearing mental and emotional blockages provides a pathway to healing, inner wisdom, and life transformation. Work with me and take your life to the next level! Feel free to connect with me here for a Discovery Session. For other inquiries, please feel free to connect with me here.